Electronic Cigarette – Smoke Without Fire

Asked recently to write about electronic cigarettes, I have to confess that I had never heard of such a thing. Some internet research later and I discovered that electronic cigarettes are very much a quickly growing concern. A Google search revealed there is no smoke without fire as almost six million results just for the phrase “electronic cigarette” were returned. What is an electronic cigarette? The electronic cigarette has been in existence for almost three years and is a clever Read More

The One Income Challenge For Couples – Part 2 of 2

At the start of a marriage, if husband or wife plans to be a stay-at-home parent, save 100% of the income that might stop. Even if married for several years and one spouse might not stay-at-home, as the Lord leads, set a goal, and develop a plan to live on one income. Unless God tells you differently, save the unspent income in a Capital Fund or other account you set up specifically to buy major items (“Fund”). Use these funds Read More