What to Say to a Girl – A Little Secret Every Guy Should Know

Here’s something I think you should know: it doesn’t really matter you say to a girl. What matters is HOW you say it. Well, before you start slapping your forehead let me tell you something else that will blow your mind — girls love guys who act like themselves. When a guy doesn’t appear like they’re hitting on a girl then that would definitely catch their attention, especially the prettier ones. If you’ve been trying to dig deep into your Read More

Navy SEALS Say Wrestlers Are Perfect Candidates to Join SEAL Teams!

The United States Navy SEALS were established in 1962 and are viewed by many military experts as the premier maritime commando unit in the world. The missions of the teams include; – Supporting conventional military operations – Counter-terrorist operations – Clandestine and covert special operations – Strategic reconnaissance and information collection operations – Direct action missions including raids, hostage rescue and apprehension of high value enemy personnel, terrorists and war criminals. – All missions require insertion/extraction capabilities via sea, air Read More