How to Say No and Feel Good About It

Do you struggle to say no? It’s a common problem for many people. They’re real “pleasers”, they want to do things for others and find that their knee jerk reaction is to say yes whenever they’re asked to do something. Do you ever find that you say yes automatically and then regret it later? Do you feel that you can’t go back on your word and let the other person down, but inside you resent the imposition? Do you worry Read More

He Wants a Divorce, But Won’t Tell Me Or Talk About the Reason Why – Advice and Tips That May Help

I have a lot of frustrated women who contact me and say things like: “my husband is saying he wants a divorce, but he will not say why,” or “he won’t tell me why he wants a divorce.  Am I just supposed to accept this without him giving me a valid reason?”  I completely understand your frustration.  I was in this situation too.  You can’t help but think that if you could pinpoint his reasoning for wanting a divorce, you could Read More