Renaissance Science – The Physics of Social Cancer

At a World Summit Meeting of Science in 1979 held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, China’s most highly awarded physicist, Kun Huang, agreed with the director of the Australian Science-Art Research Centre in Australia, that modern physics had no capacity to embrace life energy forces as it could only dealt with mechanistic logic. Classical Greek life science had been based upon the Golden Mean geometries associated with the harmonic movement of the Pythagorean Music of the Read More

Study Strategies For Academic Achievement in Math and Science

Math and science are subjects areas that many students don’t achieve in not because of their inability to academic achieve but because they don’t have the right tools to achieve. Every child has the ability to do well in these subjects–even if this is not a subject that they are interested in–with the right study strategies and support. In math and science, concepts usually build upon one another and are connected; therefore, it is important that devote plenty of study Read More