The 5 Secrets to Charging What You’re Worth

If you’re reading this article, it’s almost certain that you recognise that you’re not charging what you’re worth. Maybe you don’t really know your value or perhaps you’re too modest or possibly you’re just not able to get your client to understand the value you provide. Let me reassure you that, whatever your problem, it can be resolved; if you really want to learn how to charge what you’re worth, you can. There are 5 secrets to charging your true Read More

The Southern Circle – Kruger Park’s Best-Kept Secret!

Visitors to the Kruger National Park in South Africa go there for a variety of reasons. Whether they are doing a self-drive safari or guided safari, one of the primary reasons is to find and photograph animals such as the ‘super-seven’. The super-seven are the most sought-after animals and are the ones that visitors mark on the sighting boards in all the Kruger camps each day – lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, rhino, (known collectively as the ‘big-five’) and adding cheetah Read More