The Secret to Samuel Morse and His Electric Telegraph

"There is nothing now left for invention to achieve but to discover new before it takes place," a reporter on the New York Herald reported in 1844. The journalist was referring to the electric telegraph, an invention borne of the Industrial Revolution that transformed how the American West was 'won.' In the space of twenty years the telegraph became the standard means of communication for all the disparate elements in this vast landscape. Suddenly soldier, rancher and railroad operator could Read More

It's a Secret

I've been a reader for a long time. I read with the expectation of entertainment or enlightenment. I've been a writer for much less time, but readily acknowledge the monumental burden of these objectives. Correspondingly, there are two kinds of writers. The first may be called responsible. These writers make primary the needs and desires of their readers. They use an outline and write with an organized plan. The second may be called cathartic. They write to cast off whatever Read More