Adjusting Your SEO to Improve Your Brand Through Content

Writing top-quality content is an absolute must if your brand and your business are to succeed. Of course, there is a lot more that goes into writing content than just writing content! It takes research to come up with topics and after you have come up with the ideas, you need to study so that your credible resources support your topic. After you have written and shared, you need to optimize your content so that it gives you a high Read More

5 SEO Ranking Factors

Your search engine ranking is affected by hundreds of different things, but relevancy is the most important. Being more relevant to a search means your page will rank higher, it seems obvious that it doesn’t help. Instead you should focus on the top 5 search ranking factors. 1. Article title/keywords 2. Word count 3. Internal links 4. Reading length 5. Bounce rate There are two categories of SEO ranking factors: user behaviour and article content. It’s easy to focus on Read More