Naked Day – Coming Back to Nature

“Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.” Genesis 3:3 In the Book of Genesis, God made Adam and Eve, just like any other animal – Naked. That nudity was beautiful and pure. Neither Adam nor Eve was aware of being Naked. It was only when, the serpent tempted them to have the Forbidden Fruit, they were aware of being Naked and started covering Read More

A Brief History of Traditional Kung Fu

In 520 AD (or thereabouts), an Indian monk named Bodhidharma introduced Zen Buddhism to China and made the Shaolin temple his home. There the monks and students would fall asleep during meditation and became emaciated during fasting. In order to change this, Bodhidharma instituted a program of 18 different exercises and breathing disciplines to develop their focus. In addition, because they were frequently the target of bandits, they also developed a fighting system using the long pole. This is the Read More