The Bright Sound of Brass Instruments

Brass instruments are instruments that are played by the musician blowing into a tub in order to make a sound. The vibration of the lips as the player blows into the instrument is what really makes the sound. The valves on these instruments are opened and closed by using the keys pressed by the player’s fingers and these valves are what allow the musician to alter the sound that is being made. The length of the tube is what also Read More

Bracelets – A Histoy

We can’t be certain when people first began wearing bracelets but evidence of the adornments has been discovered in almost every ancient civilization. The earliest people wore necklaces made of bones and animal teeth. Over the centuries, bracelets have been made from materials including leather, iron, copper, beads, bone and teeth, precious metals and gemstones. Sumerians in southern Mesopotamia were wearing bracelets around 2500 B.C. Wearing jewelry was a way Sumerian women could show off their husband’s prosperity. Bracelets were Read More