How to Make a Man Chase You After You’ve Had Sex? His Interest Won’t Die Even After You Had Sex

You’ve had the best time of your life with the guy of your dreams but you don’t want him to be around you just for the sex. If you want to know how to make him chase you after you have had good sex for other reasons too, then take a look at these tips that will guarantee that he will chase you because he is falling in love with you. Make the sex memorable In the first place the Read More

Diversity: Our Sex, Our Personality and Our Gender

Sexuality includes our sex, our personality and our gender. The reason we have two sexes is for diversity. Some people like being different. They like the attention they get and they may take steps to differentiate themselves from others by dressing or behaving differently. Others have no choice in being different from others and they may resent being treated differently. We need to be sensitive to remarking on people who are different. We should consider how we would feel if Read More