For Men Only: The Best Sex Positions for Her (And The TOP Reason She Can’t Climax)

Why can’t she climax during sex? Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? Is there something wrong with my size, or stamina? And what are the BEST positions for making a woman have an orgasm? Any of these questions sound familiar? f you are anything like the tens of thousands of men and women who have enjoyed our articles over the last year on sex tips, techniques, they probably do! Why? The most common questions we get about lovemaking Read More

If A Man Takes A Shower With Hot Water Before Sex, Is He More Likely To Have A Girl Or Boy Baby?

I sometimes hear from women who want to know what their husband or partner should be doing to help to get the gender that they want when they are trying to conceive. One of the variables that I sometimes get asked about is warm or hot showers. I heard from someone who said: “I’ve heard that if a man takes a very hot shower before having sex that this will help to get a girl baby. Is this correct? Or Read More