The 3 Biggest Oral Sex Mistakes Men Make

Why should men be concerned with oral sex tips and providing oral sex for their wives? Because only 35% of women are able to climax from intercourse alone. On the other hand, up to 60% of women can climax from oral sex. Men need good sex tips on oral sex because when oral sex is performed correctly, the percentage of women who can achieve orgasm soars. When a man wants to satisfy his woman, he will want to discover as Read More

Dating: Is It A Bad Idea To Have Sex On The First Date?

Many, many years ago, sex was something that people would typically have if they wanted children. Nowadays, it is something that lot of people have if they want to experience pleasure. In the past, then, it was generally seen as having one purpose and in the present, it is generally seen as having another. Now, while there were people in the past who did have sex for other reasons, there is no denying how different it is today. Separated If Read More