Chinese Cultural Lack of Empathy in Development – Counselling Practice

Abstract In this paper I intend to explore the phenomenon of empathy or the lack there-of amongst the Chinese population. The evidence is mostly through observational techniques and interviews with Chinese commentaries about the findings. Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of others by recognising their emotions, behavioural action and situation. This method of cognitive ability is lacking in Chinese thinking styles and causes social impairment and behavioural problems in not recognising or understanding another person’s perspective when Read More

The McDonnell – Douglas MD-80

I Fuselage stretchability, inherently incorporated in the basic DC-9 design, had characterized its program, resulting in four dimensionally divergent, higher-capacity versions, including the initially-elongated DC-9-30 over the baseline series -10/14/15, the subsequent DC-9-40, and the final DC-9-50, the latter accommodating 49 more passengers than the twin-jet’s original maximum. The DC-9 itself, founded upon the four design tenets of ruggedness, simplicity, reliability, and low-cost, had been McDonnell-Douglas’s best-selling commercial aircraft-so much so, in fact, that it took off or landed somewhere Read More