Great Film Noir Directors of the 1940’s

For fans of the Film Noir genre, including myself, there is little doubt that the 1940’s produced a wealth of noir directed by many of the greatest film noir directors in the genres history. It was these early noir efforts that would take the genre well into the 1950’s. The success of the following directors is not in any way limited to the 1940’s, or to film noir exclusively. Many started earlier, and/or continued with their directorial success for decades Read More

Sun Tzu and the Art of Winning Negotiations

To many of his colleagues, Sandro is an old China-hand. Having been working in various cities in China for the past 7 years, and has more working experience here than most of his Chinese colleagues. One of the key success factors that attributes to Sandro’s career success in China is that he takes time and patience to listen and understand his Chinese colleagues, suppliers and partners. While some of the business practices in China may be very different, even contradictory, Read More