A Few Things Foreigners Get Wrong About China

Most executives of multinational companies (MNCs) are generally aware that growing a business in China presents very real and unique challenges that should be factored into the initial investment and the overall business objectives. However, in the rush to take advantage of the so called never-ending growth and scale of China, companies can make strategic and often operational miscalculations that can compromise their ability to meet their goals. Here’s a list of a few most common misunderstandings about China: 1. Read More

Sex Matters in Turkey — The Turkish ‘Kinsey Report’, Part 1

Turkey talks about its sexuality… In the spring of 2005 Hürriyet Newspaper commissioned the TNS PIAR Marketing Research Company to conduct a comprehensive sexuality survey of the Turkish people. As a result, TNS PIAR established a field team of interviewers consisting of 95 women and 106 men — a total of 201 experienced marketing researchers. In face to face meetings lasting between 40 and 60 minutes each, the team subsequently interviewed 2908 men and women, aged 13 and above — Read More