Designing Operationally Efficient Hotels: 5 Factors to Guide You

There are many hotels in this world that pride themselves on their beautiful architecture. The Dolder Grand in Switzerland, The Langham Chicago, Hotel ME London, and the Hongta Hotel in Shanghai, China are all examples of stellar design that simply takes your breath away. But there’s yet another reason that makes all these establishments unique – they’ve managed to do something that was thought to be impossible before – balance form with function and marry operational efficiency with eye-catching design, Read More

China’s Outbound Tourists

Go West, Young Man Outbound tourism is outstripping even the most positive predictions of a decade ago as Chinese travellers head to the furthest reaches with wanderlust in their hearts and stuffed wallets in their pockets. “To be wise, a man should read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.” Li Bai (Tang Dynasty poet) “After hearing so much about Europe’s beauty from the TV and magazines, we saved for three years to pay for our holiday there in Read More