Entrepreneurship: What does it REALLY mean?

Introduction: In a world where ideas drive economies, it is no wonder that innovation and entrepreneurship are often seen as inseparable bedfellows. The governments around the world are starting to realize that in order to sustain progress and improve a country’s economy, the people have to be encouraged and trained to think out-of-the-box and be constantly developing innovative products and services. The once feasible ways of doing business are no longer guarantees for future economic success! In response to this Read More

Does Living In a City With Tall Buildings Bring Out Creativity?

It has often been noted that cities with tremendous amounts of population all pushed together seem to be the most creative and this is where the most number of new innovations and inventions come from, also some of the best art, or so it is said. I’m not sure I buy into that concept completely, although I can say that the more people there are in a given space the percentages are higher that there will be more creative people Read More