Protecting Your Digital Footprint

We all have a Digital Footprint regardless of how much you spend on-line. Even if you have never been on-line, don’t have email or use social media, you still have a Digital Footprint. Yes, the more you are on-line the greater your exposure to some sort of identity theft. Here is something to think about. Is it safer to go to a store and use your credit/debit card in person, or is it safer to shop on-line with your credit/debit Read More

Top 5 Things You Should Do for the SEO of Your E-Commerce Website

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the most popular techniques used to increase the ranking of your website on search engines including Google, Yahoo, and Bing, etc. No doubt, every online marketer wants to increase the ranking of their website. But what if you don’t know the tips and tricks that help you to gain the top position on any search engine? No matter, you are about to start a new site or want to increase the ranking Read More