I Still Haven’t Started With Live Trading Yet, Because I Am Afraid to "Click"

Relatively often, I find myself in situations where beginning traders are telling me that they have done all the necessary work such as backtesting and profitable papertrading, but they still can’t find the courage to click “live”. Therefore I will try to summarize a few pieces of advice and tips in today’s article. First of all, I would like to repeat that this advice is only for those who really underwent the necessary preparation work, i.e. they have done backtests Read More

Forex Day Trading – Emotions

Forex day trading isn’t necessarily easy. Sure, its tempting to think it is – and many brokers keen to make a killing dealing you currency at a price different from what they paid for it, will actively promote this idea. But one thing you’ll hardly ever read about is the importance and impact of psychology and emotions on trading success. Yet, ask most experienced traders, and they will say it is the most important aspect of successful forex day trading. Read More