Little Known Tips To Stop Day Trading Losses

Studies have shown that you should never risk more than 2% of your float on any trade. Why 2%? Well, in fact, many day trading professionals will tell you that 2% is too much. They’ll risk 1% or even as little as a quarter of a percent on any trade. Whatever percentage you pick, the idea is to ensure that no one trade is really going to affect your day trading float, positively or negatively. Many traders don’t appreciate how Read More

Cect Hiphone – An Overview of the Features and Specifications

Cect Hiphone I32 is the latest and the most updated “iphone clones” from China, like the previous cloned version 599, A8+, and A380i. Hiphone has more features such as multi-touch control on image, like what iphone does, and have a great improvement on the screen surface, looks 99% alike iphone on the appearance. When it comes to the smoothness of the operations for Hiphone and Iphone, it’s obvious that Hiphone still have a great improvements to be done to make Read More