Still Single? A Few Reasons Why That May Be Although Single Is Not A Disease

Everyone wants to love and be loved. Love is a basic human need. We all deserve love. Nowadays, there are a number of dating coaches and matchmakers that each have their own spin on what we should be doing to attract our partner. While everyone wants love, I believe that who we are, our beliefs and perceptions all play a part in who we tend to date. It pretty much boils down to us. The more we work on ourselves, Read More

Workaholics and Burnout -Single Moms

In western culture it is easy to get caught up in the fast paced hype of current trends. It seems that there is not enough time to do that which we set out to do. Our tasks lists are longer than our meals with our families. Sitting down to enjoy our families or nurture ourselves is becoming a thing of the past. Unless we stop, look, and listen to how we are really doing or feeling deep inside. I am Read More