Emerging Trend – The Shift Toward Single-Stream Recycling

There is an emerging trend in the recycling industry regarding the adaptation of single-stream recycling programs. Single stream recycling program have become increasingly more popular in many cities and municipalities as a straight forward way to collect recyclables. It is becoming more viable and highly acclaimed as modern recycling efforts evolve and come to shape the disposal, collection and reprocessing of materials. This shift is geared toward the replacement of traditional multiple-stream programs so to maximize results within various environments. Read More

A Retired, Single RV’er Travels

For some 30 years I practiced law in Mesa, Arizona. (Please don’t hold that against me. I really wasn’t a very good lawyer.) When I was about to turn 62 years old and collect social security I decided to quit my practice and go camping. I already owned a Coleman tent-camper and a small pick-up. My marriage had gone to hell and I had a bad case of the woe-is-mes. I decided that a few days or months on the Read More