Why is Skateboarding So Widely Accepted in California?

There are plenty of places out there where skateboarders get a bad rap, but not in California. This sport is widely accepted there due to how their culture was developed. Keep in mind that the weather is mild all year long there so being outdoors on a daily basis is something most people are able to do. You will see people not only on their skateboards but also rollerblades too. Skateboarding is very similar to surfing with the exception that Read More

Choosing Skateboarding Shoes

What is a Vulcanized Sole? Every shoe is actually made from Vulcanized materials, but there is a difference in the methods of how the soles are attached to the shoe. Vulcanization is the process by which rubber molecules (polymers or macromolecules made of repeating units or monomers called isoprene) are cross-linked with each other by heating the liquid rubber with sulfur. Cross-linking increases the elasticity and the strength of rubber by about ten-fold, but the amount of cross-linking must be Read More