What Should I Look For in a Skateboarding Helmet?

The desire to skateboard is one many people are very passionate about. At the same time though their personal safety should be a priority. You will find that there are many different styles and brands of helmets you can select from in order to reduce the risk of a serious injury. However, it is also important to understand that they aren’t all the same. Too many consumers think the value lies in the price of them but that isn’t the Read More

Hoverboard and Skateboard Mechanical Components

Present-day skateboards are actually engineering marvels, but they have been so refined that they are quite simplistic by today’s high-technology standards. Perhaps this is why they work so well in that they keep it simple; a founding principle of good solid engineering. There is not much to a skateboard once you have the board, the trucks and the wheels, everything is pretty straight forward. The boards are made out of plastic, would or composite materials. The trucks are made out Read More