4 Easy Steps to Help You Kick-Turn on Your Skateboard

Almost all professional skateboarders who heavily depend on various skateboard parts and accessories say that kick-turning is the most basic skateboarding skill. According to the stats, out of 10 professional skateboarders, 8 of them have successfully done it on their skateboard once. Kick-turning might appear a little confusing in the beginning, but with constant practice one can definitely master this art. There aren’t really many pre-requisites for kick-turning except the fact that one needs to have the right equipment and Read More

The 10 Rawest Skateboard Interviews of All Time

In all fairness, the late Big Brother should probably hold all ten of these. Back in simpler times, interviewing sponsored skateboarders meant you would be hearing the true voices of some of the most incredible and downright raw individuals on the face of our planet. People wonder why interviews are so cookie-cutter these days. The answer is simple-money. Nobody wants to rock the boar when they pencil in six-figure digits every tax season. Either way, in an ode to real Read More