How to Do a Casper on a Skateboard

One of the most popular skateboarding tricks you will find is the casper. It's a fairly easy skate trick that plays off the kick flip but learning it can be a challenge, just as with any new trick. It's well worth it to put forth the effort because it leads into other tricks. The casper will help you learn technique and control so that you can better master the board for this and other tricks. Here are the basics of Read More

Proper Attire For Skateboarding

Skateboarding is such a fascinating sport that it has been ranked sixth under the category of sports having highest number of participants. One of the reasons for it being so popular is the involvement of stunts in it. However, during stunts, the chances of unexpected falls are also there. So, while skateboarding, wearing proper attire becomes very essential for personal safety. The items included in the attire list for skateboarding are specially designed in order to maintain the comfort and Read More