What Makes Skateboarding So Much Fun?

Skateboarding is easily one of the most popular sporting activities in the world. With numerous pro-level competitions held all over the world, there is something about skateboarding that makes it cool! There are many reasons for the increasing popularity of skateboarding. Simplicity Yes, skateboarding is among the simplest sporting activities in the world. All you really need is a skateboard and a great deal of self confidence. In fact, you need not even worry about wearing shoes! If you check Read More

Skateboarding for Big or Tall Boarders

Generally, balance is a huge factor in choosing a board and the taller you are or the heavier you are plays a huge role in selection of your board. Ideally, the heavier you are the wider the board should be. Balance and strength of the board play a key roll in the selection. Larger and taller individuals may have bigger feet and therefore need a wider board, say 9 inches or wider. All of this just means you will fall Read More