Cadillac Wheels: The Urethane Skateboard Wheels

Frank Nasworthy was a young surfer and skateboarder; just out of high school who lived in Norfolk, Virginia, saw some polyurethane wheels used on roller skates in Virginia and had an awesome futuristic vision. Located in Purcellville, Virginia was possibly the first factory to make poly urethane wheels: a company named “Creative Urethane”: Nasworthy’s vision was to put these polyurethane wheels on a skateboard. He thought to himself, “What could plastics do for a skateboard”. He continued to follow his Read More

How to Improve Your Skateboarding Style

In skateboarding, style is very important. You can learn all types of tricks but if you don’t have your own style, they won’t be as impressive. If you’re having trouble improving your style or just don’t know where to start, you’re in luck. The following tips can help you improve your skateboarding style so you can get the most from the sport. The first step is to determine what style you want to use. If you’re not sure, watch some Read More