A Guide to Use Ice Skating For the First Time

Skating is a fun sport but one needs to be very cautious while skating as there are several risks involved with it. Do you have a desire to go skating? If yes then get ready because in this article we are going to provide you with several tips of ice skating that will set you on the freezing floors like a pro. The first thing you need to do is get a pair of good ice skates for you. You Read More

Carpet Skating to Learn New Tricks

Carpet skating, or carpet boarding, is a great way to learn some new tricks right in your own bedroom. While most people probably don’t have a room big enough to do full skating, you can practice tricks, balance and more on your board indoors on carpets. You can practice carpet skating in one of three ways: With a board with no trucks On a board with trick trucks On your board with wheels because they won’t slide as easily on Read More