How To Pick the Best Figure Skates for Your Foot

Trying to purchase a pair of figure skates for the first time can be a daunting task. The usual question is: What brand do you choose? However, choosing the figure skate that’s best for you depends on several factors and each of those factors are important. The first thing to consider when choosing figure skates is your skate size. The best way to determine the skate size is to measure the length and width of your foot. There are several Read More

Skating Tips From Esther Bernard – Bangalore Sports

Imagine whooshing down the road with the wind for company and in a set of wheels that doesn’t require you to turn 18 and get a license. Roller Skating as a sport is a big favorite among kids, especially in Karnataka. Although the number of skating clubs in the city isn’t all that high, awareness about the game is building up and there are several district, state and national level championships held to hone your child’s talent and competitive spirit. Read More