3 Figure Skating Off Ice Exercises To Improve Your On Ice Performance

Figure skating is a sport that requires more than just grace and artistry. While most non-skaters don’t realize this, pulling off any technical element in skating requires a significant amount of strength and stamina. Awkward positions must be held for extended periods of time, and muscles that most people hardly ever use must be strong in order to execute the jumps, spins, and lifts that impresses the crowd and judges. All figure skaters, regardless of age or ability, should engage Read More

Figure Skating Careers

Can figure skating be anything other than a young kid’s sport? What careers are available through figure skating? Are there lasting benefits? I’d like to weigh in on these issues since figure skating has been a huge part of my life for the last 25 years. The Cliff Notes version of my path through skating goes something like this: Fell into the sport on accident while trying to play hockey; spent several years in recreational skating while doing a thousand Read More