Health Benefits of Ice Skating

Whether you are a professional ice skater, a toddler, a retiree, a student, or a housewife, you can get health benefits from ice skating. Being in itself an aerobic exercise just like walking, running, and swimming, it offers positive effects for your cardiovascular health. An advantage over running is that it is not as hard on your joints, as it is a low-impact exercise, unless you do jumps while ice skating. It makes heart muscles healthy, providing significant protection from Read More

The Ice Skating Boot and Blade – Where Do I Start?

It can be tricky for a beginning skater to stay balanced in a skating boot on a very thin blade. The boot may feel more like some type of torture device rather than a honed piece of equipment. Skating boots and blades are the main pieces of equipment used for skating and the most important. The old saying that “you are only good as your equipment” is very true. It’s much better to skate to your equipment’s capabilities than trying Read More