Hello from Ottawa – Skating on the Rideau Canal – Officially the World’s Largest Skating Rink

There is no denying it: Ottawa is known is one of the coldest capitals in the world (only as far as temperatures are concerned though). But does that mean you stay at home during the winter and mope? Absolutely not! Ottawa has turned a potential liability into a key asset and really shows us how to celebrate winter. First there is Winterlude, Ottawa’s winter festival, which is being held this year from February 3 to 19, 2006. Winterlude is apparently Read More

Know the Health Benefits With Skating

Ice skating is definitely an amazing sport. It can be taken by anyone from the toddlers to retirees and the housewives. Irrespective of the age and the sex there are many health benefits to the person that has gone skating. Lets us know the benefits one by one. Cardiovascular Benefit Just like other forms of exercise like running, swimming and walking it has positive health effects. The most important fact is that as it is a low impact exercise, skating Read More