Standard Soccer Field Size

The Soccer Field size is composed of standard pitch measurements. There are pitches that vary with their sizes. The length and width of soccer fields vary depending on the age group that plays in the field. Don’t be surprised if you play at different soccer fields and find them different from each other because there are corresponding sizes that best fits the age group or type of play or tournament that accordingly plays on it. One constant rule about all Read More

Soccer Golf – Great Soccer Drill For Coaches – Soccer Practice Activity to Improve Passing Accuracy

There are times during the season when it’s nice to change up the practice routine, put away the traditional drills, and have some fun while still working on some key skills. In this article, I will describe a great activity that combines soccer with golf. Soccer Golf Soccer golf is a great drill that will help players improve passing accuracy, touch, and leg strength. To get started, you first want to select several objects to use as “holes” on your Read More