Social Media Addiction – Is There Such A Thing?

This fall a documentary called “The Social Dilemma” began airing on Netflix. In it former employees of large technology companies are interviewed and tell about how their work initially appeared to be helpful for society but later, because of its impact, led them to resign from their positions. Actors who are portraying a family in this show, have different ways of interacting with social media. A teenage son, who is constantly online is challenged to not touch his phone for Read More

How Can Social Media Be Effective?

Successful social media experts know what it takes to make social media work for you. Aside from including regular updates, relevant posts, and stand-out content, make sure that you stay involved in each social network in a personal way. Make Your Social Media Profiles Stand Out Fill out your profiles in full, and learn what constitutes best practices for profiles on that particular network. Each network has its own personality that you should mind, but let your personality shine through Read More