Boomers Driving Mobile Social Media

Ever wonder why people are glued to their smartphones these days and what they are reading? Ever wonder who is driving the use of mobile Internet and social media in particular these days? If you are like most people you probably think it is the 20 and 30-somethings and a few years ago you would have been right. Today the fastest growth of mobile social media is with the 55 plus age group, baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), Read More

Time Wasted on Social Media Addiction

It’s an incredible addiction that drives people to stay awake for all hours at night checking their phones, tablets, or computers, in order to see who is looking at them. What is the point? People who judge their worth by this type of response are not worth much. They are missing out on personal contact with those who can make a difference to them and who are able to support them as they progress through life. The really bad side Read More