Social Media Secrets by Diane Griffin

Do you know that your teenagers must pay attention to their social media habits at least by their junior year in High School? If they don’t then you as a parent must step in and do something about it. Back in the 1960’s colleges did not care about teenagers and their social skills online to enter into college. Although in the 21st Century it seems to be the biggest Bling in successful college entries. As a parent I can testify Read More

Using Proper Social Media Etiquette for Business

It has been quite a while since we last discussed social media etiquette for business. However, there is a lot to be said on the subject. In this article, we will give you new insight into an extremely important aspect of professional behavior. The rules to follow At this point, social media is certainly not new or mysterious although it evolves at an extremely rapid pace. New aspects of the various social media channels are being introduced frequently. Of course, Read More