Review: "Social Media LookUp System" – A Smarter System for Sales and Lead Generation

Review: the “Social Media LookUp System” The “SOCIAL MEDIA LOOKUP SYSTEM” is about connecting with people and offering a different way to make sales, but in a smarter way than the more traditional sales processes. It could be the perfect fit for you and your business! You choose only the best leads/prospects available. You select only leads/people who look to match the solution you offer. The Social Media Lookup System software serves up massive amounts of information, just by entering Read More

How to Manage the Social Media With Covid-19 Around

The suddenness and ferocity with which the Covid-19 pandemic has struck the world is unprecedented. With people forced to quarantine themselves and maintain social distancing, people’s lives and livelihoods have taken a downward spiral. However, the silver lining is that the crisis will blow over once a vaccine is found or herd immunity is developed. Till such time the new normal would be the disruption, which everyone is witnessing now. In such times how does our interaction with social media Read More