Seven Social Media Mistakes

Social media is the big buzz. We’ve been swept up in the currents of Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. We can allow the currents to carry us to new connections, new business, and massive reach and visibility. Or we can get caught in the riptides that pull our reputation under. The biggest mistake in social media is not realizing that social media is a presentation. That’s right. Success in social media follows the rules of effective presentation skills. Mistake one: No Read More

How To Get Your Content Seen On Social Media

Creating content for social media is an important part of every business’s marketing strategy. It might be a blurb that goes with a link to a video or blog post, or it might be an infographic or meme to help you get a point or two across. Plan Ahead Most people seem to totally forget to plan ahead regarding social media content. This is a mistake. If you create a blog post, for example, then you should create a tweet, Read More