Physician Communications: Considerations for Using Text Messages and Social Media

To start, physicians should be aware that, in 2011, the American Medical Association issued guidelines in its Code of Ethics for physicians who use social media: • Physicians should safeguard patient privacy and confidentiality online, and via text message, and must refrain from posting identifiable patient information; • Physicians should realize that privacy settings are not absolute and that once on the Internet, content is likely there permanently. • If they interact with patients on the Internet, physicians must maintain Read More

Social Media Marketing Tips & Tricks for 2018

As we enter into a new chapter on a new calendar year, it’s time to start thinking about effective social media marketing strategies for your small business. In order or you to stay ahead of the competition it’s imperative for you to adjust your marketing strategy to take advantage of prevailing trends and the ever evolving market for various business industries. The small business platform has changed a lot within the last few years and staying up to date with Read More