Solopreneurs and Social Media

Participation in one or more social media platforms is now a given in both the professional and personal spheres. Nearly every Solopreneur has a presence on at least one platform, even if that participation is not active. Social media has the potential to provide benefits to business owners, the self-employed and the traditionally employed, but in order to reap those benefits, one must understand how this resource can best function within specific circumstances. The first question to consider is, who’s Read More

Marketing on Social Media Works Or Does It?

Marketing on social media the right way can take time to understand. Many of the social media sites are a way to make new friends or speak to existing ones. Already an internet marketer? If so, you will already understand and be aware they are more than just for entertainment and escapism. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more have become a way to make money if the right strategies are in place. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Read More