Maintaining Law and Order in a Society

For maintaining law and order in a society, there must be rules that should be followed so that the ones which have done the wrong deeds in their lives get their reward. Many ways are always present to bring a person to the pleasant life although he has done wrong deed but punishment is not the solution always. Careful planning and observations sort the ways that ask the offenders to come to the right path. Training of the persons who Read More

Indian Society

India is a vast peninsula with a total land area of about 33 million square kilometres, a population exceeding 122 crores. India’s social structure is a unique blend of religions, cultures and racial groups. The history of India is a long long history. India was known as Bharatavasha which stretched from Hemalayan to sea. With the gradual march of time India bore the brunt of foreign invasions. The Persian, Greeks, Kushans, Indo-Greeks, Hunas, Muslims and the British occupied this land.The Read More