Metaphors Gone Wild: Quarterbacks and Decisions

“If you’re a quarterback,” Tom Brady of the New England Patriots maintains, “you want everything on your shoulders. You want to be the one to make the decisions.” Quarterback or ordinary decision-maker, we have all felt the burden of decision making. The metaphoric football reaches touchdown status only through a combination of the right people, the right conditions, and the right decisions. Emotion regarding some decision can get in the way of clear thinking. Just consider what Tampa Bay Buccaneers Read More

Good Bones by Margaret Atwood

It’s not often that a book review of any kind threatens to be longer than the original work. Any review of Margaret Atwood’s Good Bones, however, risks such ignominy. Good Bones, which might also have been successfully entitled Bare Bones, is not just succinct: it is short. Ostensibly, it’s a collection of short stories, but cover to cover there is only enough material to keep a determined reader happy for an hour or so, if the object is merely to Read More