Distance Education Delivery – Constraints in Developing Countries

The Education sector in most developing countries is the most neglected sector, which ought to be the sector with the lion share of the budget. The reason for this anomaly is more political than technical as most of the leadership in these countries devoted more fund to perpetuate themselves in power than development of the economy. Principally, most developing countries devote less than 20% of the national budget to education which is the minimum recommended by UNESCO. Most developing countries Read More

Mink Blankets – 5 Things You Don’t Know About These Luxurious Blankets

Mink blankets are not made from the fur of the mink animal. The mink that is used for blankets and other items is an acrylic fabric, totally man made. The idea of calling the product mink is the same as the thinking behind the fleece blanket, which has little to do with a sheep or any other animal for that matter. The words are marketing terms to conjuror up vivid images in our minds of comfort, warmth and luxury. Even Read More