The End of Kockums Crane

Not all the things that can be found in this world are permanent. And many people know that ‘change’ is the only permanent thing to exist in our ever-changing world. Though many people want some things to remain the same, they can’t do anything about it. Traveling to other countries can be fun; you will be able to see lots of new things. Some travel for the sole reason of getting a glimpse of the greatest things in this world, Read More

North Korea Casinos

The very fact that there are any North Korea casinos will probably come as something of a surprise to most people. The Hermit Kingdom, as it is sometimes known (this is actually a much older name for the whole of Korea, now usually applied only to the North), is the last Stalinist dictatorship left on the planet. The regime is so restrictive that mobile phones are not allowed at all. When they were handed out to regional officials, they were Read More