North Koreans – The Birds Of Yanji

In 1997 the government of North Korea decided there were just too many people roaming around the country. A royal decree came forth in September demanding that all street children were to be arrested and placed in institutions. Some have opined that the real reason behind his action was cover-up. These beggars made the country look suspect in the eyes of UN officials that were still there in ’97. Got to save face before a watching world. Jasper Becker, author Read More

Cancelled Trip: Can Travel Insurance Help?

Imagine yourself flying to South Korea to finally watch a K-pop girl group for the first time, in person. The concert ticket was bought and you’re ready to catch the fever and enjoy this unique and exquisite musical experience. Unfortunately, upon arriving to Seoul, you were informed that for a certain reason, the concert won’t push through. What if you are attending a Digital Start-up Conference in Berlin, but before you board the plane, you were informed that for a Read More