Promession – An Organic Burial Process

Set to launch in Sweden next year and in Korea the following year, promession is an eco-friendly method of disposal for human remains based on freeze drying. It was invented (and patented) in 1999 by Susanne Wiigh Masak. The word ‘promession’ is derived from the Italian word for ‘promise’ (promessa). Promession takes place in 7 steps: 1. The body is frozen to -18 degrees Celsius (normally this occurs between 24 to 48 hours) and then put into a sealed unit Read More

The Importance Of China To Forex Traders In Currency Trading Opportunities

China is critical to currency traders in evaluating currency-trading chances. This article gives a review of significant China improvements which each trader should be aware of. Seeing Chinese financial developments and information is very likely to develop into a daily pastime for all traders globally. Nearly daily, there’s information on China’s fiscal performance. China’s Gross Domestic Product surpassed 9 billion USD from 2013, and inside a couple of decades, if expansion is still over 7 percent each year, it will Read More