The Holy Spirit and the Seed

Many Christians fail to realize how the Holy Spirit is involved in the salvation experience. They believe that the main ministry of the Holy Ghost is post-conversion. For example, Christians look at the gifts of the Spirit as the empowering of the saint to represent and display Jesus’ ministry. While that is true, they fail to understand the Holy Spirit’s role in conversion. A Study of the Scriptures will show that the word “seed” is synonymous with the Word. In Read More

The Battle Between Good and Evil – How Angels and Demons (Fallen Angels) Fight For Your Soul

Does good and evil really exist? Are angels and demons (fallen angels) real? And is there a battle – a fight – between angels and demons to influence every soul on this planet? The answer to these questions is yes! In this article we will reveal the truth about angels and demons (fallen angels). We will reveal how demons silently inhabit the souls of most human beings on earth and how these dark beings wish to remain “undetected” within the Read More