Spirit Filled, Partially Filled Or Empty?

To Fill God’s desire and purpose is for His Children to receive the Holy Spirit, and not only to receive Him, but to receive Him fully. “To fill” always consists of something entering a certain space, which is apt for filling, that is, it has some kind of containing walls, and that space gets totally occupied by what is coming into it. Let’s say we have a glass: If we proceed to “fill” the glass with water, we will pour Read More

Gift Your Child a Remarkable Birthday Party – Ideas to Set the Evening on High Spirits

Birthdays are so special; we memorize the date, and even wish our near ones on the specific day. Just close your eyes and remember your birthday parties, when you were a mere kid. Well, they were perhaps very simple affairs with cup cakes, ice-creams, balloons and some traditional games. Today, however, such low-note parties are not the norm. Rather, a lot of families prefer extravagant parties, involving a range of attractions like the play studio, a toy train or even Read More