2 Spells to Summon Ghosts

Here are 2 spells to summon ghosts that you can perform with very little to no preparation. The more powerful you become and the more you practice these spells, the better the results will be. The same is true for all spells, not just spells to summon ghosts. The more you develop your natural power and the more in tune you get with the natural elements, the better these spells to summon ghosts will work for you. Before you do Read More

Essential Oils – 19 "Magical" Plants For Warding Off Evil

Some Plants Have Long Been Associated with Magic or Clairvoyant Powers and Used as Charms Against Evil. Anyone who has read the Harry Potter novels can attest to the novel’s parade of strange concoctions of plants for magical purposes. But in real life, yes certain plants do have a history with magic. Rosemary is one such plant. In Europe, a sprig of rosemary placed under the pillow was thought to prevent nightmares. A sprig placed over the doorway was believed Read More